Terms & Conditions
- Please ensure your child learns and follows the Club’s code of conduct for gymnasts.
- Please ensure your child is suitably dressed and has socks - PLEASE NO HOODS (as these can restrict your child's vision on a trampoline which is extremely dangerous). We also ask that buttons and zips are avoided as these can damage equipment and hurt the coach and/or gymnast if contact is made.
- NO JEWELLERY / FITBITS / WATCHES to be worn by anyone in the gymnasium. Earrings that cannot be removed must be covered by tape before your child arrives at the session.
- Please make sure your child has water.
- Please refrain from giving your child snacks to bring to training - if they are hungry please ensure the snacks are eaten before the session begins.
- If your child brings toys / books to training they may be taken and given back at the end of the session - we don't want to stop your child from having fun in between turns, however these items tend to distract the children from 'spotting' (making sure the child on the trampoline does not fall off). Our priority is your child's safety.
- All gymnasts must respect fellow club members. Bad behaviour including bad language will result in the Club notifying you. If the bad behaviour continues the club reserves the right to terminate membership.
- If your child is sick, on holiday or unable to attend please contact one of the following numbers or e-mail the office - Tab Mobile: 07812 916 238 / Amelia Mobile: 07594 418 850 / Email: revolvetc@hotmail.com
- Help your child to recognise good performance not just good results.
- Please be punctual at the beginning and end of the session. On arrival and exit please ensure your child has been signed in/out.
- Fees should be paid on time; failure to do so could result in termination of membership.
- Parents that have any concerns or complaints about any aspect of the Club should refer to the Grievance Procedure provided below.
- The Club is not responsible for any property including mobile phones or clothing that are lost during sessions.
- If you need to contact the Club during sessions, please contact Darwin Leisure Centre on 01959 540 606.
- Parents are welcome to stay and watch, however we ask that you don’t interfere with the coaching session.
- Completed contact details/medical information is required. Please notify us of any changes.
- Please give at least 2 weeks' notice for cancellation of a booking - if you do not give notice you will be charged the following term's fees in full. If there are any issues regarding this please e-mail Tab Baron at revolvetc@hotmail.com so options can be discussed.
- Please arrive on time for Warm Up, allowing time to sign in. We ask you to please go to the toilet before the session starts, to ease disruption.
- Please respect all fellow gymnasts and coaches. Hurtful or discriminative behaviour will not be tolerated.
- You are to abide by the rules and guidelines set down by your coaches; they are there for your safety.
- Do not attempt any skill that has been self-taught or that you haven’t performed with a qualified coach.
- Please notify your coach in advance if you know you are unable to attend a session.
- No food or drink to be consumed in the gymnasium without a coaches’ permission (water is allowed).
- Please do not leave before the end of the session unless arrangements have been made prior to the session.
- Gymnasts are expected to wear sensible and appropriate clothing (no zips, buttons or hoods). All gymnasts must wear socks or trampolining shoes. Coaches reserve the right to stop the gymnast training if inappropriate clothing is worn.
- Long hair must be tied back securely.
- NO JEWELLERY / FITBITS / WATCHES to be worn by anyone in the gymnasium. Earrings that cannot be removed must be covered by tape before coming into the session.
- Please tell your coach if you feel unwell or injured. Failure to do so may result in something more serious.
- Do not have your mobile phones anywhere near the trampolines! Please keep your phone with your other personal belongings at the side of the hall. If parents need to be contacted you must let your coach know as soon as possible.
- If you have any problems at the club, please talk to an appropriate member of the Revolve coaching team.
Complaints and concerns from Parents, Coaches and Members
The Club places the welfare and safety of all its members as the highest priority.
Whilst the Club operates an open door policy there may be times when an individual may wish to raise a concern about coach conduct or Health and Safety or Welfare.
Parents, coaches and members are encouraged to raise their concerns as they can often provide valuable information. ALL parents are given the contact number of the Head Coach so they can speak to them in private if they wish. Alternatively they can contact our Club Welfare Officer.
Head Coach - Tab Baron, 07812 916 238 Welfare Officer - Caroline Clark, 07748 915 738
All concerns will be treated fairly and in line with the British Gymnastics Policies and will be dealt with in confidence and only those that need to know will be informed.
Disciplinary and Appeals
Where there is an issue of poor practice, the individual will be made aware of the allegations by the Senior/Head Coach and they will be given 7 days to respond.
If the allegations cannot be resolved, then the matter will be referred to the Revolve Team for their decision within a further 7 days.
All steps will be taken to deal with any matters raised within 14 working days, from the date of the original concern being received.
Any disciplinary action agreed must be reasonable and proportional to the offence and the individual will always be entitled to appeal.
If the Club cannot come to a conclusion internally then the matter will be referred to British Gymnastics for a decision. A copy of the British Gymnastics complaints procedure and Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults is available by contacting BG on 0845 1297129 Ethics and Welfare office.